I´ve created new "little" model....It is The LOCATOR..
And you can find it in the M-41 Pulse rifle section.
...in the end of the page..
So ..try to look there:o)

My pages have a little facelift-new corner was created..
It is the Work In Progress (WIP) section.
There will be presented new progress of my models
and some future projects.I hope:o))))
So try to look there..Jan(Alien99)Rükr

I have new upload to you..
after a long development..here it is.
Part of the Hadley´s Hope colony: The North Lock Module.
It is the building where marinest enters the colony.
model for download you can find under
the PALTFORMS & BUILDINGS in the LV426 colony section.

I´ve added new dropship model in 1:148 scale.
....not new model,but It has new camouflage pattern
direct from the USCM technical manual called "Loose Moose".
So try to look under the AIRCRAFTS & VEHICLES section.
And search for the "NEW" logo..

there you can find it...:o)

My page are running over one year....congratulations.
I´ve prepared the "MY BUILDING PROCESS"page.
the banner is at the top of my pages.
There you can find all about my way
of constructing the papermodels...at last....

Next little model is uploaded
in the LV426-Alircrafts & Vehicles section.
It is the Service Robot-as I called it.
so try to look at this vehicle..and download:o)......

Another upload is done..:o)))).
(1) I must removed the Prometheus papercraft,
because that ABC magazine model is copyrighted
and.. I am breaking the law thisway..:oO
But... don´t worry about that....
I ve constructed my own Prometheus spacecraft,
so this pages are still running ...
with "REMAKE PROMETHEUS"..there.
..try to look...In the bonus section :o)
(2) Two new vehicles are included in the LV426 section.
Under the"ARCRAFTS & VEHICLES" section are:
1:148 scale APC Carrier and
6 wheeled vehicle I´ve called SURFACE SEEKER.
both models are from the lane of the1:148 scale vehicles
for the diorama of the Hadley´s Hope colony.
(3) At last..I´ve uploaded the Links...so ...look there.

This is the day of great upload...:o).
At first...the LV 426 colony is running and under the section
"ARCRAFTS & VEHICLES" is ready for download
1:148 scale Dropship
-model for colony diorama.
At second..the M41-A Pulse Rifle is complete.
In 1:1 scale of course....

And remember: password for this babe is ...ALIENS

Each page of my web has a background sound..even this..
So if you don´t hear the sound...right now..........
You can download this package of audio and video codecs
...and simply install....The self extract archive has 4.7Mb.....
..and here it is:

Rükr © 2008