All used materials are Copyright
by Jan Rükr ©2009.
These pages are informative and non-profit.
The last art section is web graphics,
better say, what i´ve created for my web in 2000~2001.
I did not know anything about web contend, but I must had a good web graphics.
There was an applet from ANFY team implemented in starting animation
....just a has 1MB....something scandal for that era. .
You´ve allready recognized the art of BORIS & JULIE duo.
They´ve inspired me with all those girls so I´ve added
some stars, Galaxy and water efect...nice.
main offer
and the rest of the graphics...
One year (2002) after this, I´ve noticed that nobody is building papermodels
from ALIENS and decided to do them.. I had my web contend ,but
the web graphics must changed radically...So the winged girl was saved
for 8 years in my old harddrive and newer saw
the internet stream. Until now.....from the sentimental reasons. .