ENDO RIFLE a.k.a. 40-Watt Phased Plasma Gun
28.8.2007 Finally....!!!: TRIVIA: The whole project started with T-800 CPU release. Rendered model from 3D Studio Max 5.
Unfold 3D model was easy.
The textures was the bigest problem. Visual materials of Endo Rifle are different .
Movie itself doesn´t show nothing special ...however MOVIE: Prop makers are building their Endos by their own ideas. A little video of the finished prototype of the Endo rifle.
PAPERCRAFT: Model with display stand has 125 parts, The stand itself
has 5 parts only.The level of laboriousness is 3/5.
There is nothing that hard in the model. The building plans are separated in extra pdf document. I´ve glued the model in 10days.With nothing extra hurry. INFO:
All Terminator & T2 materials are Copyright
© Carolco (C2).
These pages are unofficial and non-profit.
Rükr ©2007
Terminator Endon Rifle is FINISHED.
There was some rumor,that the CPU is a little piece from Terminator saga.
In our country has pretty nickname:...the chocolate.
There are lots of things to build.....The 1:1 scale Skeleton is waiting :o)
and who knows where will be finished...
So, how about that fine Gun that the Endoskeleton´s holding?
Why not?...I like it too, because I´ve started with the 3D model of it..
3D model in the AutoCad 2000 interface and 3D Studio Max 5 renders.,
This is a template for papercraft.
Short video shows the rifle in the AutoCad program.
Few details are visible....
Th result is, that you can find more than 15 types of Rifles in the Internet.
So what´s the next step?....
The best details of the gun has Sideshow Collectibles company.
There are 2 guns that I prefer: the first one was (in the time of making this picture)
prototype in 1:1 scale.
But I dislike the rear part (where is the magazine mounted to the gun).
This detail I´ve borrowed from the second gun.
It was as complet with the Endoskeleton in 1:4 scale ...I think.
And it is pretty chipped.....
Everything mixed together = really nice usefull texture.
And the 2 colors version look pretty cool
The prototype looks fine and becomes as final version of the rifle.
The display stand has some minor changes.
It is lower, so the pulse rifle is now standing directly on the surface.
The parts are concepted as blocks , so the model is more
durable and don´t twisting.
The pdf document with the papercraft is located
below.....(click into the picture)
I hope that You will have the same result :o)
Document with papercraft endorifle.pdf
....................has 1737kb
Document with building plans endo-instructions.pdf
....has 415kb
For opening and printing the PDF documents
you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader 5 or higher installed
in your computer.For downloading the latest version of this freeware
go to the Adobe pages.