At first..Prometheus is NOT the same model as
the original model was published in ABC Magazine
allmost 20 years ago.So this model is allmost part of national heritage.
Well..I´ve decided to make a Remake Prometheus because the original
model is the original Prometheus is here no longer available...
...You have a chance to make a remake model, not the original from ABC.
Pity...But the remake Prometheus is little more detalied
and have textures direct from thr comix..You can see for your self...
This is My "BIG THANK YOU" for What I am today
..the Model maker.

click picture to enlargeclick picture to enlarge

click picture to enlargeclick picture to enlarge

click picture to enlargeclick picture to enlarge

This is a part of history.
And you can build this history
Model is easy for completation..1/5

This is no longer true.....
the Remake Prometheus is smaller,have more parts...
...with display stand included...
And the level of laboriousness is high 4/5...
..if you print this model at A3 paper format
you can put one point down...3/5
well see for your it is:

download prometheus.rar archive

The pass for this archive is PROMETHEUS and
if you have any problem with it,
here you can download WinRar 3.0.0.program.

Download winrar 3.0.0.

Všechny materiály jsou použity
z časopisu Abc mladých techniků a přírodovědců,
a Abc speciál.
Tyto sránky jsou neoficiální a já z nich
v žadném případě neprofituji